Research on intelligent driving assistant system 

using AR/VR

Research Goal

We are working on the following projects

Research on developing intelligent AR Head-Up displays and camera monitoring systems

Camera Monitor System experimental conditions

Camera Monitor System positioned left/right side of the steering wheel

Camera Monitor System positioned below the A-pillar

Stitched Camera Monitor System positioned above the steering wheel 

Haechan Lee, Sanghyun Kim, Seyoon Lee, Jinwoo Park, Uijong Ju

"Assessment of the Efficiency of Various Camera Monitoring Systems in Emergency Situations", under preparation

Using eye tracking and physiological signals to develop a model for predicting driver cognitive errors in limited visibility (NRF basic research grant, 2023.06-2025.05)

A : Normal B : Heavy rain C : Heavy snow D : Thick fog

Dynamic speed and risk perception modeling based on brain imaging

Ju, U & Wallraven, C (2024),"Decoding dynamic risk and speed perceptions using naturalistic stimuli: a multivariate, whole-brain analysis,", Human brain mapping, 2024